Interested in human sciences (languages, anthropology, archeology, cosmology, traditional medicine, symbolism), I performed a full immersion in Chinese medicine with years of experience in China (Nanjing), and Italy. Deepening the knowledge of Natural Philosophy with comparative studies of different traditions (Taoist, Tantric, Egyptian and European), I paid special attention to the Andean one, getting initiation by the master Don Juan Nuñez del Prado.

I work on sacred geography from 1990 with researches (Italy, Spain, Malta, Egypt, China, India,) on the relationship between man and land in ancient world cosmovisions (pilgrimage routes, sacred sites, shamanism tecniques and simbolic landscapes) producing short documentaries on the themes of my research.

I lead seminars for the experiential connection with the elements of nature and the exploration of consciousness, integrating energetic techniques of different traditions each other (Tai Ji, Qigong, Andean Spiritual Art, Shamanism, Reflexology, Massage, etc.).

Since 2007 I joined the S.I.S.S.C. (Italian Society for the Study of the States of Consciousness) steering comittee.

I published the book "THE SECRET OF SAN THEOBALD - sacred geography, templar knights and cult of the sun".

For information on workshops, activities, collaborations:
