Strictly speaking, we
define sacred everything connected to the experience of an other
reality we feel in the same time subordinate to, frightened and
fascinated by.
Sometimes we can live this experience in front
of a place, a tree or a person where we see something "different",
which does not belong to our reality, indefinable because not
dictated by physical characteristics.
Then we enter
the dimension of the sacred, ineffable, magic. A state of
consciousness that escapes mind. An extra-ordinary dimension where
everything is composed of intelligent energy totallly
inter-connected with our deepest essence.
Ancient Traditions were all perceving this
"subtle" reality and worked hard to discover its nature and
quality, learning how to interact with the eternal movements of
transformation of that living energy.
It's been called Qi by
Chinese, Ki by Japanese, Mana by Polynesians, Prana by Hindus,
Pneuma by Greeks, Sami by Incas, Sacer by Etruscans and Romans.
They all put great attention to the places where to settle and
where to carry out their activities, preferring those where a strong
presence of the energy that animates matter was manifesting.
the course of time, those who mostly cultivated connection technics
with that force managed to codify rituals and practices to sharpen
the perception and manipulation of it (FengShui, QiGong, TaiJi, Yoga,
Alchemy, etc).
In Sacred Geography workshops one will learn
how to improve his own ability to connect with different energetic
qualities of places and human being, gaining powerful tools for
well-being, personal growth and exploration of the universe outside and inside
Sacred Geography - Facebook page with news, articles, photo galleries, videos, reviews, etc.. A sharing space for researchers and curious.
by Giovanni Feo
A megalithic observatory dating from the copper age risks being lost forever without revealing its precious secrets.
An amazing discovery from the distant past, is revealing challenging clues to a special kind of “science” belonging to our ancestors. The evidence uncovered points to a science of the natural environment involving observations of the sky and the earth.
In 2004, in the countryside of southern Tuscany, homeland of the Etruscan civilization, a complex structure of ten megalithic boulders was discovered.
These boulders were carved and shaped in a such a way that each one is aligned with a certain mountain or peak visible on the skyline. Each rock measures six or more meters in length.
A team of archeo-astronomers, archeologists and geologists began work to study the site. An initial dating points to the third millenium B.C and the structures are presumed to have been constructed by the aegean-anatolic people (“Rinaldone culture”, 4000-2000 B.C.).
There are some similarities between this kind of temple-observatory and various megalithic structures that have been discovered in Armenia, Azerbaijan and other parts of the turkish territory.
After the first official archeological excavation which lasted only a few weeks, the site was abandoned, so a major part of the work must still be done. The boulders are much bigger than the visible parts which can be seen emerging from the ground because a large part of the structure is completely covered by earth which, over the centuries, has fallen from a field above. Under the earth, the boulders are still well preserved. They are huge egg-shaped pillars, implanted in a wide stone platform, also covered by the fallen earth.
Many man-made carvings are visible on the rocks: pointers, geometrical cuts, “cups” and channels and a stone pool.
As far as we know, this is the only existing megalithic monument of its kind, something quite unique and still intact in its original form.
However, the tufa rock that the boulders are made from is deteriorating rapidly.
In order to save the monument, urgent action needs to be taken.
Primarily an operation to stop the erosion of the tufa rock needs to be carried out. This should be followed by a project to undertake a sound excavation of the whole area, including an overview of the conditions of the “foundations” of the entire structure.
It is clear from the research already carried out on the site, that in the rocks of Poggio Rota (the name of the site, which means “Peak of the wheel”), a comprehensive record of evolved and specialized geometrical and astronomical knowledge, of amazing complexity and functionality, is preserved. Others similar megalithic structures were discovered in the same region between 2004 and 2012.
The first priority now is to establish a new team of experts to undertake a project to restore and preserve this wonderful monument, which should be considered a central omphalos in the sacred geography which has been sculpted into this land.
Our intent is to communicate and promote information about Poggio Rota and to encourage study and promote the safety of this unique monument. We are sure that a full investigation of the site will provide extremely valuable information about the specialized knowledge attained by a forgotten civilization of the copper age. From that wisdom, the ever-mysterious Etruscan civilization originated, the civilization that provided the foundation from which sprung the birth of Rome and the western world.
In this period of cultural and economic crisis, Italy's major monuments are at the risk of a decadence and oblivion. We would like to put a stop to this regressive trend.
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